Clip K4 – Detergent

CLIPK4 is a dry cleaning detergent that has been optimized for application in SYSTEMK4.

Chemische Fabrik Kreussler & Co. GmbH has a worldwide patent pending for the innovative cleaning system SYSTEMK4.



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Kreussler Clip K4

  • CLIPK4 contains no fillers or VOC.
  • CLIPK4 is characterized by its excellent cleaning power and garments are hygienic and fresh.
  • Protects from greying and gives cleaned textiles a neutral scent.
  • Very economical in application; the combination with the high substantivity of the active ingredients to the textile results in a reduction of the distillation residue.
  • Easy and quick finishing; reliable anti-static characteristics reduce labor costs and improve the wear as well as comfort of the cleaned clothing.
  • CLIPK4 gives cleaned clothing a smooth, pleasant handle, lint and pilling in the drying phase are reduced.
  • Since CLIPK4 is merely low-foaming, cleaning liquor can be distilled in SYSTEMK4 without any problems.
  • CLIPK4 reduces the need for manual pre and post spotting.
  • CLIPK4 removes unpleasant odors during the cleaning process.
  • The distillation residue of CLIPK4 is liquid and pumpable.
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